Construction and use of transport infrastructure is one of the human activities that fundamentally affects the quality of the environment. The EIA process is a globally recognized tool used for planning and permitting transport infrastructure to prevent, mitigate, or compensate for negative environmental effects. However, its effectiveness is often debated. Post-project analysis is important to determine the level of effectiveness of EIA. In this research, 43 EIA processes for highway projects in the Czech Republic were studied in relation to accepted principles of EIA post-project analysis. Statistical methods were used to assess the proposals for follow-up monitoring and changes in follow-up monitoring design over time. The research results indicate limited learning from previous EIA processes, some increase in the intensity and coverage of follow-up monitoring over time, and inadequate design of specific follow-up monitoring measures.
sustainability, mitigation measures, decision-making process, impact assessment, environment, EIA follow up, monitoring, transport infrastructure
Dvořáková, P., Hanušová, T., Keken, Z. (2023): Analysis of EIA Results for Construction of Road Transport Infrastructure. Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica, 54, 41-46. DOI: 10.7160/sab.2023.540205